We had a great day in Room 16.

For LA we continue to work on procedural writing. We took our original attempt at writing a procedural writing "how to" and acted them out. It was fun, funny, and informative acting out they steps exactly as they were written. We then took this learning and created a list for what we thought good procedural writing needs. Students then chose something they want to teach their classmates. They will write a procedural writing piece about this and when we are all complete, we will teach these activities or skills to our classmates.

In Math we did a math talk focused around estimation and multiplication. You can check it out here. The kids were very engaged.


In Social Studies the students continued to have time researching their chosen Canadian. We will begin to take this information and write some informative paragraphs soon.

We also had Music, PE, Buddies, Mindfulness and Ignite.


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