Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well during the trying time. I want you to be aware that the situation is evolving quickly with emergent directives will likely be coming from the provincial government and the CBE over the next number of days and to look in your emails for updates.

Below is a list of ideas for what your child could be doing on a daily basis.

For all resources and class assignments, pleaser refer to the grade 5 website. All assignments can be found here under the subject page.
Language Arts
Please continue to follow the Daily 5 routine. For a complete breakdown of this, please follow the link below. Each of the Daily 5 should be done for approximately 20 minutes.

Students can continue to work on and complete their procedural writing texts. Good copies can be typed up on Google Docs (if a computer is available) and shared to me. 
Mathletics: Please sign in and work on the assigned tasks/repeat tasks that are not in the green yet. If your child does not know their Mathletics login, please email me and I will get it to you by email.
Social Studies 
Please complete the famous Canadians research project. The students can use the internet to research. All of their work can be done via Google Docs and shared with me. 
Please look over the experiments and resources posted under the new chemistry unit page. Students could start by looking at the new vocabulary and then looking over the experiments.

Please know that I will do anything I can to support your child. Do not hesitate to email or call with any questions or concerns. 


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