Today in math we wrote our unit test for Number Sense.

In Science we continued to research for our "Human Impacts on Climate" poster project.

For Social Studies we had a few more groups present their Regions Projects. We will finish the rest of the presentations on Monday.

In Language Arts we did our Daily 5.

We also had Music, P.E., and Ignite today.

Tomorrow we have guest presenters from Junior Achievers.

Reading...Give it a Shot
BHS has enrolled in the Calgary Flames reading program.  Students will be bringing home tracking sheets to monitor how much they read each day.  Can you please sign the spot needed if they are reading at home?  1hr read = 1 Flames hockey card in grade 5.  Once they collect all 24, they can move onto the bonus card collection of Harvey the Hound doing funny things! The reading competition starts now and ends early December.  The more they read the more chance we have of the Calgary Flames visiting our school!  Thank you for your support and work with encouraging your child to read! 


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