
Hi everyone, I hope this post finds you well. Today in our Google Meet we talked about racism and how we can be advocates and ally's. We watched 2 different read alouds and then had some discussion following each book and as we were reading. Here are the two books we listened to: A Kids Book about Racism A is for Activist Below I have attached another book (we did not read this one as a group) that you may wish to watch and discuss as a family. Something Happened in Our Town This book follows two families — one white, one Black — as they discuss a police shooting of a Black man in their community. The story aims to answer children’s questions about such traumatic events, and to help children identify and counter racial injustice in their own lives. Here is a resource with a variety of different children's books that talk abo
Hi Parents/Guardians It seems as though some people already know, but I just wanted to make sure the message was coming from me. I have been surplussed this year (we don't have as many teaching positions next year and I have the least seniority) and will be teaching at a different school next year. I wanted to thank all of you for you support. The Beddington Heights parents and community have been such a pleasure to work with over the last 3 years. Thank you for your trust and support. You have raised wonderful children and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to work with them. I posted this message on our Google Classroom stream.  So it seems as though some of you may have already heard. I will be teaching at a different school next year. It has been so amazing to teach at BHS over the last 3 years. I have loved every second of it! I am so thankful that I got to teach our amazing class this year and will always remember each and every one of you! I promised to come vis
Hello Parents/Guardians, Here is the learning plan for next week. Remember, students do not actually have school until Wednesday, May 19th. Their assignments are still available to you now. Must: LA - Poetry Book (this is your last week to work on it) Math - Trapezoids Should: Mathletics Basic Facts CommonLit Could: LA - Grammar Practice Science - Salt Crystals
Hi Everyone, Just a reminder that you do not have school Friday May 15th, Monday May 18th, or Tuesday May 19th. That means our next Google Meet will not be until Wednesday May 19th. I will check Google Classroom on the Friday and the Tuesday in case anyone has any questions. I hope you all have a wonderful extended long weekend! Enjoy the beautiful weather!
Happy Friday! We will continue to have daily Google Meets for an opportunity for students to participate in different activities, ask questions, as well as connect with their classmates. I will post what will be happening in our Google Meets on our Google Classroom page. Please email me if you would like to set up a one on one Google Meet if you child needs extra support or the Google Meet times do not work for your family.   This weeks online learning plan: Must: Math - Mathletics   LA - Poetry Book LA - CommonLit Should: LA - Word Work LA - Daily 5 Math - Parallelograms   Math - Basic Facts Could: LA/Buddies: Create a Book for Our Kinder Buddies LA - Grammar Practice   Science - Ooblek Experiment   Social Studies - Canadian Resources Project Have a great weekend!
Hi Parents/Guardians, Here is a message from the CBE regarding technical assistance for remote learning: Technical Assistance Now Available for Ongoing Learning The CBE can now assist parents and students with technical issues that arise while continuing ongoing learning. Parents of kindergarten to Grade 9 students or students in Grades 10-12 can call or email requests for assistance with CBE supported technology. Visit  Technical Support for Students & Parents  and choose “Support for G Suite" or “Support for Brightspace" for more information. This service is a temporary service available during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hours of operation will be Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM (excluding statutory holidays). Please have the following information accessible when you call: Student ID number Student Email address Student Password (we will not ask you for your password, but you must be able to enter it) Contact information: Phone:  403-817-7996 Email:  P
Happy Friday! We will continue to have daily Google Meets for an opportunity for students to ask questions as well as connect with their classmates. If your child needs extra support or the Google Meet times do not work for your family please email me to set up a one on one Google Meet. This weeks online learning plan: Must: Math - Properties of 2-D shapes Math - Mathletics   LA - CommonLit Reading Should: LA - Word Work LA - Daily 5 Math - Basic Facts Could: LA/Buddies: Create a Book for Our Kinder Buddies LA - Grammar Practice   Science - Science Max Social Studies - Canadian Resources Project Have a great weekend!